

发布时间: 2023-05-12 13:52:28


加拿大留学考试很多人对托福阅读文章有一个根深蒂固的误区,那就是每个段落有一个段落主旨,而这个段落主旨多数情况下是通过一个所谓的主旨句(topic sentence)来体现的。


TPO 36-1 Soil Formation

Paragraph 1

Living organisms play an essential role in soil formation.The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed,supply organic matter,aid in the translocation(movement)and aeration of the soil,and help protect the soil from erosion.The types of organisms growing or living in the soil greatly influence the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics.In fact,for mature soils in many parts of the world,the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics.For this reason,a soil scientist can tell a great deal about the attributes of the soil in any given area simply form knowing what kind of flora the soil supports.Thus prairies and tundra regions,which have characteristic vegetations,also have characteristic soils.加拿大托福


TPO 36-1 Soil Formation

Paragraph 1

Living organisms play an essential role in soil formation.The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed,supply organic matter,aid in the translocation(movement)and aeration of the soil,and help protect the soil from erosion.The types of organisms growing or living in the soil greatly influence the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics.In fact,for mature soils in many parts of the world,the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics.For this reason,a soil scientist can tell a great deal about the attributes of the soil in any given area simply form knowing what kind of flora the soil supports.Thus prairies and tundra regions,which have characteristic vegetations,also have characteristic soils.





可是,如果你去看这篇文章的后文(可以去TPO 36找到全文),你会发现,后面的段落分别还主要讲了细菌,树,动物等对土壤形成的影响。也就是说,这个第一句话实际上已经囊括了后面的段落的核心意思。所以,与其说它是第一段的段落主旨,不如说它是全文的文章主旨。


可见,说这个第一句话是第一段的主旨句是偏颇的,是不利于抓住第一段真正的主旨的。实际上第一段真正的主旨应该是原文中In fact那句话,即:

In fact,for mature soils in many parts of the world,the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics.



TPO 36-1 Soil Formation

Paragraph 1

Living organisms play an essential role in soil formation.The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed,supply organic matter,aid in the translocation(movement)and aeration of the soil,and help protect the soil from erosion.The types of organisms growing or living in the soil greatly influence the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics.In fact,for mature soils in many parts of the world,the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics.For this reason,a soil scientist can tell a great deal about the attributes of the soil in any given area simply form knowing what kind of flora the soil supports.Thus prairies and tundra regions,which have characteristic vegetations,also have characteristic soils.

这就是我们说的“不干净”的段落了,你无论以哪句话为主旨句都没法把段落“干净”地单独拎出来。如果你说第一句话是段落主旨,那这句话还包括了第二段,第三段和第四段。你没法把第一段单独地,“干净地”拎出来。如果按我们说的In fact那句话是段落主旨,你又发现In fact之前的三句话不是只讲植被,是一种总括。所以我们也没法用In fact这句话就把第一段的所有内容都“干干净净地”包括了。



The Chaco Phenomenon

Paragraph 2

For more than a century archaeologists have struggled to understand the circumstances surrounding the rise and collapse of Chacoan society—dubbed the Chaco Phenomenon.In particular,research has focused on determining why such an apparently inhospitable place as Chaco,which today is extremely arid and has very short growing seasons,should have favored the concentration of labor that must have been required for such massive construction projects over brief periods of time.Until the 1970s,it was widely assumed that Chaco had been a forested oasis that attracted farmers who initially flourished but eventually fell victim to their own success and exuberance,as they denuded the canyon of trees and vegetation to build large great houses.In the 1980s this reconstruction was largely dismissed in response to evidence that there had never been a forest in Chaco,and that canyon soils had poor agricultural potential.As scientific interpretations about Chaco changed,the focus of explanatory models changed from the attractiveness of the canyon for farmers to the position of the canyon within a regional network of dispersed agricultural communities.


The Chaco Phenomenon

Paragraph 2

For more than a century archaeologists have struggled to understand the circumstances surrounding the rise and collapse of Chacoan society—dubbed the Chaco Phenomenon.In particular,research has focused on determining why such an apparently inhospitable place as Chaco,which today is extremely arid and has very short growing seasons,should have favored the concentration of labor that must have been required for such massive construction projects over brief periods of time.Until the 1970s,it was widely assumed that Chaco had been a forested oasis that attracted farmers who initially flourished but eventually fell victim to their own success and exuberance,as they denuded the canyon of trees and vegetation to build large great houses.In the 1980s this reconstruction was largely dismissed in response to evidence that there had never been a forest in Chaco,and that canyon soils had poor agricultural potential.As scientific interpretations about Chaco changed,the focus of explanatory models changed from the attractiveness of the canyon for farmers to the position of the canyon within a regional network of dispersed agricultural communities.



The Chaco Phenomenon

Paragraph 2

For more than a century archaeologists have struggled to understand the circumstances surrounding the rise and collapse of Chacoan society—dubbed the Chaco Phenomenon.In particular,research has focused on determining why such an apparently inhospitable place as Chaco,which today is extremely arid and has very short growing seasons,should have favored the concentration of labor that must have been required for such massive construction projects over brief periods of time.Until the 1970s,it was widely assumed that Chaco had been a forested oasis that attracted farmers who initially flourished but eventually fell victim to their own success and exuberance,as they denuded the canyon of trees and vegetation to build large great houses.In the 1980s this reconstruction was largely dismissed in response to evidence that there had never been a forest in Chaco,and that canyon soils had poor agricultural potential.As scientific interpretations about Chaco changed,the focus of explanatory models changed from the attractiveness of the canyon for farmers to the position of the canyon within a regional network of dispersed agricultural communities.





Paragraph 3

The adoption of a regional perspective in explaining the Chaco Phenomenon was based in part on the discovery of formal trails connecting many of the great houses in Chaco,as well as linking the canyon to smaller great houses located throughout the San Juan basin,the latter are referred to as Chaco“outliers.”These trails are densest around the concentration of great houses in the center,and the canyon itself is roughly at the center of the basin.Consequently,the canyon occupies the geographical and social center of the network formed by the connecting trails.The current consensus view is that religion provides the fundamental explanation for this centrifugal pattern.


The Chaco Phenomenon

Paragraph 2

For more than a century archaeologists have struggled to understand the circumstances surrounding the rise and collapse of Chacoan society—dubbed the Chaco Phenomenon.In particular,research has focused on determining why such an apparently inhospitable place as Chaco,which today is extremely arid and has very short growing seasons,should have favored the concentration of labor that must have been required for such massive construction projects over brief periods of time.Until the 1970s,it was widely assumed that Chaco had been a forested oasis that attracted farmers who initially flourished but eventually fell victim to their own success and exuberance,as they denuded the canyon of trees and vegetation to build large great houses.In the 1980s this reconstruction was largely dismissed in response to evidence that there had never been a forest in Chaco,and that canyon soils had poor agricultural potential.As scientific interpretations about Chaco changed,the focus of explanatory models changed from the attractiveness of the canyon for farmers to the position of the canyon within a regional network of dispersed agricultural communities.



所以,你如果还是天真地去托福阅读的段落中去找所谓的“主旨句(Topic sentence)”,那你真的是要掉大坑了!你要么找不到所谓主旨句,要么就算找到了,它也无法提供给你关于段落主旨的有效信息。






