

发布时间: 2023-05-17 10:45:18


加拿大留学众所周知,雅思口语考试有四项评分标准:fluency&coherence(流利度和连贯性)、pronunciation(发音)、lexical resource(词汇资源)、grammatical range&accuracy(语法多样性和精确性),Eric一直强调fluency&coherence是最最重要的评分标准,原因很简单:如果你不能一直持续的说下去,你根本没有机会来表现其它三条评分标准。


本篇文章选自英国考官Dan Berns的著作IELTS Killer;本期文章,我们继续分享Dan Berns关于提升流利度和连贯性的第三点建议——问自己以下问题:

Did I speak clearly and smoothly?


One thing that examiners do constantly is count.They are mostly counting the time,but another important thing to realise is that they are counting your words too.This is what examiners call Length of Turns(LOT).Students who have long LOT will score high,but students with short LOT will score low.Take a look at the examples below:加拿大雅思

雅思听力考官经常做的一件事就是计数。大多数时候他们会对考生的表述进行计时,同时他们还会留心考生每个断句的词数,这又叫作“Length of Turns(LOT)"。考生的LOT越长,越有可能得高分。相反,考生的LOT越短,得分越低。我们来看看下面这个例子:

Low:A city that..I really like...is Suzhou in..the South of China..it has lots...of canals.

Medium:A city that I really like.is Suzhou in the South of China...It has lots canals.

High:A city that I really like is Suzhou in the South of China.It has lots of canals.

You can see that all three examples are exactly the same in terms of their content,but when it comes to their LOT,they are wildly different.The low score example has LOT 3/4.This means that the candidate is speaking in chunks of 3/4 words each time.The longest turn is"the South of China".This LOT is too low to score even an IELTS 5.

大家可以看到这三个例子的内容是一模一样的,但是LOT却完全不同。其中低分答案的LOT是3/4,这表明考生每次断句时说出的词数为3个或4个,其中最长的词群是“the South of China”。这个答案的LOT太低,想拿到雅思口语5分都很难。

The medium score example is a little stronger,and it has LOT 5/6,which means that the candidate is speaking in chunks of 5/6 words each time,where the longest turn is".is Suzhou in the South of China".This length of turn would probably carry you to an IELTS 6 at most.

中等分数的答案略强一点儿,它的LOT为5/6,也就是说该考生每次断句时说出的词数为5个或6个。其中最长的词群为"is Suzhou in the South of China"。这个LOT值可能让考生的雅思口语分数最高达到6分。

To really breakthrough to the high scores though,you need to be able to push your LOT much higher like in the last example where the length of turn is LOT.18.In order to be able to achieve this,you just have to take a breath and spit out the words without pausing between chunks.


Another thing that examiners are listening for is whether you will be able to sustain the length of your turn or whether your turns are going to dry up.Lots of students are really strong in Part 1,but then completely dry up in Part 2.Students always say to me:"I can't talk for two minutes!"To be brutally honest,if you cannot talk for two minutes,don’t bother showing up for the speaking exam.


Lots of students start strong in Part 2,but then for whatever reason,maybe they get nervous,or maybe they just run out of things to say,they stop after one minute.Every examiner hates it when this happens.If you only talk for one minute,it doesn't matter if what you say is pure gold,your score is going to fall off a cliff-your IELTS scored just killed itself.Just by talking for two minutes,even if what you are saying isn't great,just by getting to the end you are supporting your score.


One of the most common ways that candidates end their speaking turns is with the phrase"That's it!"or"That's all!"If this phrase is at the end of a particularly short turn,it is like burying your IELTS score,and then sticking a tomb stone in the ground.Your IELTS score is going to be worm food if you answer like this.It doesn't matter if you think the question if stupid,or if you don't have an opinion,each and every answer you give should be fully extended and never stop talking until the examiner moves on.

许多考生喜欢在说完后用“That's it!”或者“That's all”来做结语。如果你本身就没说几句话,还用“That's it!”或者“That's all”来结尾,你就等同于葬送了你的雅思口语,而且还没忘立上雅思口语之墓的墓碑。考官听到你的答案也会觉得如鲠在喉。不论你是觉得这个问题愚蠢,亦或你对这个问题没有什么特别的观点,都应该尽可能地去延伸你的答案,保持一直在说的状态,直到考官喊停。

This is what is called"willingness to talk".If the student is unwillingly to talk,this seriously reduces their chance to get a high score on fluency,and probably all the other scores,too.Take this example of a candidate from Afghanistan,who was actually very bright,but not very talkative:



“Do you come from a town or a city?”


“Do you come from a town or a city?”

“I no answer this question.”

This example is a British policewoman who wanted to go to Australia and had to take the test.(Yes,British people have to take the test sometimes!)


“Who do you think watches TV more,young people or old people?”学在加拿大

“What kind of stupid question is that?”

You see,it is even possible for a native speaker to score low in the test.This policewoman scored a 6,and I bet the examiner was smiling ear to ear to give her a six.The point is,you have to be willing to just pour all of the language that you have in your head.Even if the grammar and vocabulary isn’t great,you will still be able to score well on fluency.


Getting back to ending our turns,the first thing to remember is that you must never have silence in the examination.If you are quiet and the examiner is staring at you,or motioning you to continue,then you will certainly score a low score.Just keep talking non-stop.One of the areas that candidates have difficulty with here is how to end their turns Basically,if you end a turn with the phrase"that's it!"it's like dropping off the edge of a cliff.Never end with silence.

回到结束答题话语这个话题上来,你们首先要记住的是考试过程中不能冷场。如果你停下来了,一片寂静,考官跟你大眼瞪小眼,或者示意你继续,那你就很难得高分了,所以要保持不停地说的状态。许多考生不知道该如何结束自己的答题话语,要注意的是千万不要以"that's it!”作结,它会让你的得分直线下滑。同样,也不要以一片寂静作结。

A good strategy for this is to have a summary at the end of whatever you say.You can do this by giving an opinion at the end of your turn.Lets take a look at a part one answer:


What do you usually do at the weekend?

Generally speaking,at the weekend I don't have a lot of free time.This is because work Monday to Friday,so I have to do all my chores and errands at the weekend.That means that I am always cleaning my apartment,doing my paperwork for the week,and also running to the bank to make sure all the bills are paid.If I am lucky,maybe I have time to play with my son for a few hours.

This is already a strong answer to the question,especially in terms of grammar,but right now it is a little bit boring.What it needs is an opinion,and the best place for your opinion is at the end in the form a summary.Check out how the summary makes the answer much stronger:


Generally speaking,at the weekend I don't have a lot of free time.This is because l work Monday to Friday,so I have to do all my chores and errands at the weekend,that means that I am always cleaning my apartment,doing my paperwork for the week,and also running to the bank to make sure all the bills are paid.If l am lucky,maybe I have time to play with my son for a few hours.I guess that a lot of families live like this.It doesn't mean that they like living like this,but society is competitive these days you just have to work all the time to survive.

By adding this simple summary containing an opinion at the end of the turn,the examiner will probably push the answer from a high six to a high seven.That is because in the IELTS exam,the ability to give information is not as important as having an opinion.If you do not have any feelings or opinions about the questions,then you will never score high in the test.Opinions are EVERYTHING.


Just as you should never finish your turn with the killer words"That's it",there are also some other phrases which show a complete lack of imagination.Let's take a look at some of the most common ones:

正如“That's it!”这个高分终结者一样,还有一些其他短语也会显得你缺乏想象力。我们一起来看看这些常见的“失分短语”吧:

Do you often visit museums?

No,museums are boring

Would you like to work in a museum?

No,working in a museum is a boring job.

Would you like to be a teacher?

No,be a teacher is a boring job

There is only one boring thing about these answers and that is the candidate.Unfortunately,ninety percent of candidates who come through the door answer the questions in this way.Check out these answers that make the examiner just want to shoot you:


Do you like writing letters?

No,writing letters is a waste of time.

Would you prefer to receive a telephone call or a letter?

I prefer phone call,because it is more convenient.

These answers could easily come from the boring museum candidate.The point is that giving short unimaginative answers like these is the kiss of death for your FC score.Even if you have to lie or stretch the truth,it is important to unpack the ideas in the questions as much as you can.Take these great answers for example:


Do you often visit museums?

I don't really like visiting real museums because in China most of the exhibits are behind glass,and looking at pieces of old jade and ancient vases is not exactly my idea of a good time.I am a big fan of online museums though.You can go to The British Museum online and see all their exhibits in detail.You can zoom in,rotate and examine the objects.It's an amazing virtual experience.

Would you like to work in a museum?

I wouldn't want to work in a museum in China,but I would love to work in The Louvre in Paris.that is where visitors can see The Mona Lisa by Da Vinci.The Louvre is huge and they say that even if you went there every day for a year,you still couldn't see everything.If I was a curator there,I could possibly see some of their secret exhibits and treasures that rarely see the light of day.

Would you like to be a teacher?

Being a teacher is a very popular choice of profession in China.Mostly it is because the work is considered relatively stable,the pay is not bad,but most importantly there are very long summer vacations.It is not a particularly challenging job,which is why I think it might be dull for me,besides,my father has a low opinion of teachers.He always says:those who can do,those who can't teach.

This candidate has stretches his score to around an 8 just by forgetting about China and what is traditionally meant by a museum and what working in a museum would involve.This kind of imagination keeps the answer flowing and improves both fluency and coherence.


Vocabulary and Phrases

Exhibits are behind glass The Mona Lisa by Da Vinci

Old jade and ancient vases Curator

Not my idea of a good time Rarely see the light of day

See the exhibits in detail Popular choice of profession

Zoom in Relatively stable

Rotate Have a low opinion of teachers

Virtual experience Those who can do.those who can't teach.

The Louvre

Something that is severely lacking in the answers from Chinese candidates is imagination and creativity.These are two elements that examiners love and will reward you for.Take this question for example:


Can you think of any times when it's necessary to wait for others?

A time that people have to wait is before the exam.Everyone is nervous and we want to finish the exam quickly.

When it comes to run-of-the-mill answers.that's about as dull as it gets.If you see the examiner stifle a yawn,you know you're boring.It doesn't have to be that way though.With a little imagination you can really add life to your answers.Try this response:



A time when people have to wait is when they are getting married.The bridegroom for the bride to arrive.Everyone is waiting has to stand in the church waiting wondering if she has cold feet,but then when she walks up the aisle with her father in her beautiful white wedding dress,everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

This is an extremely imaginative and descriptive answer.It doesn't only answer the question.It goes one step further and creates a situation in the examiner's mind.This is a skill that will earn you very high marks.It also has some cracking vocabulary:


Bridegroom Bride Church

Get cold feet Aisle Wedding dress

Breathe a sigh of relief

Here's another example of how candidates can kill an examiner with sheer boredom:


What kind of good habits do you think children need to learn?

I think that children need to learn good study habits and to do their homework every night.They should also learn to listen to their parents.

This is a very limited and extremely boring answer.What it needs is some solid examples that will build images in the examiner's head.Take this super example:


Young children are naturally quite dirty,so they need to learn habits about how to stay clean like washing their face and brushing their teeth every day.They should also avoid picking their nose,cover their mouth when they sneeze,and learn to chew with their mouth closed.These are just good manners really.

This answer is not at all vague.It gives solid examples which will surprise the examiner.Chinese candidates often give very vague answers which infuriate examiners.Be specific and imaginative to push your grade higher.







